Emergency Survival Kits
For Every Crisis

How to Build a Complete 72 Hour Survival Kit

As I began to seriously build our bug out bags (gathering a few supplies does not constitute a BOB), I was overwhelmed by the lists and lists I found on many websites.

I was well aware that this kit/bag needed to contain enough basics to survive for a minimum of 72 hours. I also understood that all of it had to be at least a little bit organized, then squeezed into some kind of portable [...]

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Invest in emergency food storage now and enjoy peace of mind for the next 25 years. Don't miss out on the savings! 

What to Pack in Survival Kits For Children

What to Put in a Child's 72-Hour Kit?

Children can carry their own bug out bag if it is an appropriate weight.Taking into consideration the size and weight of your child, the ideas presented here are designed (generally) to meet the needs of a child 11 years and younger. Begin by buying a quality backpack, then [...]

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Stock Your First Aid Kit For Emergencies

My Medic

Does your first aid kit consist of whatever is in the bathroom cupboard? It shouldn't be left to chance.

That means not only gathering basic appropriate emergency supplies, but also learning the procedures for a few lifesaving techniques. For example, every man, woman, and child should know how to do [...]

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Why You Should Have an Auto Emergency Kit

Auto Emergency Kit

How many hours do you spend in your car each week? In any crisis, auto emergency kits could save lives or be a "get home" bag in a grid-down situation.

It wouldn't even have to be a major disaster. In a land with freeways and belt routes strung from shore-to-shore and plagued with traffic congestion, it is always possible to be caught in a gridlock, maybe for hours at a [...]

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Why We Should All Have Household Disaster Kits

Household Disaster Kit

We all know we should have 72-hour kits or, as some are calling them now, personal disaster kits. I have put ours together and found they are absolutely bulging! I'm not sure I can carry it on my back, at least not for a long period. There are items that should be in every disaster kit. But putting items like radios and water purifiers in each B.O.B. is unnecessary. So where should we put them?

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