Family Survival Planning Blog

Get the latest from Family Survival Planning Blog here. The newest pages, food storage tips, long term storage ideas, deciding what types of survival foods to invest in, how, where and what you will need for survival purposes, and lots more information to help you prepare your families.

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What's New?

Invest in emergency food storage now and enjoy peace of mind for the next 25 years. Don't miss out on the savings! 

Do You Need a Safe Room or Storm Shelter?

storm shelters

Do you need a safe room or a storm shelter? Learn how to create one and materials needed.

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Unrealistic for me

I have never in my life bought wheat. The only cornmeal I’ve ever bought is a box of Jiffy cornbread. A 5 lb bag of flour will last me about 3 years.

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Freeze-Dried Food is 'Food Insurance'

freeze-dried food

Freeze dried food IS food insurance.Dispel the myths of freeze dried and dehydrated foods, compare brands, research nutrition.

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How Can it Get Better Than That?

Istanbul, Turkey

My name is Cem Koyluoglu. I am a Food Engineer and I live in Istanbul. Freeze Drying was a fantasy both for me and for the industry when I graduated.

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Great Grandma Lives and Camps Totally Off-Grid

I went camping/fishing three times this summer. two times out of state and one time under 100 miles from home. Several days each trip. Took my newer

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Storing a Variety of Grains

storing grains

Learn how to store a variety of grains to your long term storage.

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Dry Canning and Freeze Drying Food

I would love nothing more than to see a series specifically on dry canning in metal cans like how Thrive packages theirs. There really isn't any accurate,

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4 Best Ways to Purify Water From Any Source


It is becoming necessary to learn water purification methods for safe drinking water in most parts of the world — and maybe even right out of your tap.

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5 Specific Reasons Why You Should Stockpile Food Right Now

5 Reasons to Stockpile Food

Are you worried about inflation? Is your grocery bill skyrocketing? Let's look at specific reasons why you should stockpile food right now.

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8 Steps to Building a Complete 72-Hour Emergency Kit

72-hour kits

8 Steps to Building a Complete 72-Hour Emergency Kit for your vehicles, in the office, and at home.

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Inventory sheet 
Is there an inventory sheet I can print out? Or did I miss it? Thanks. Love this site, quite a bit of learning material! -------------------------- …

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