How to Use Oxygen Absorbers

How to Use Oxygen Absorbers

Oxygen absorbers have totally changed the food storage process. It used to be a lot more work (and mess) to dry pack for home storage.

But these U.S. Military-spec O2 absorbers remove up to 99.8% of the oxygen from your sealed containers. That leaves a nitrogen atmosphere of 95%, which is exactly what you want for safe long term food storage.

Several people have asked how to use oxygen absorbers, so let's answer it here. The ones I prefer are oversized oxygen absorber packets (500cc or 2000cc) because I need fewer of them per container.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Oxygen Absorbers should be used within 15 to 30 minutes after opening the package for maximum oxygen absorption. If used within that time frame, you will avoid wasting any packets. Seal those you will not be using right away back in their own bag or seal them with a vacuum sealer. (Do not use  regular Ziploc bags - they will never be airtight.)

What you need to know about oxygen absorbers.

Do not plan on storing oxygen absorbers - they will only last about one year after they are manufactured. So don't buy a whole bunch unless you are planning to use them right away. They are great because they have increased the storage life of foods and made the job of dry canning food products much easier. Just don't buy more than you can use.

What to do with the ones you can't use immediately if you have no means to vacuum seal the package?

Answers from my readers:

Oxygen absorbers 
by: Red Woman 

You can put them in a small canning jar with a lid. They will absorb the oxygen in the jar, so be sure to use the smallest jar they will all fit in even if you have to smash them a bit.

Oxygen Absorbers 
by: Mikki 

I buy buckets and food. I do not put items in the buckets until I can fill each one. When I have enough, I count how many oxygen absorbers I will need. I do the buckets all at once so as not to waste them.

Oxygen absorbers 
by: TC 

You can order oxygen absorbers from Amazon in which they come in vacuum packed pouches with only 5 in each pouch in strips of 20 absorbers so you can open just what you need. If you bend the absorber packet and it feels hard inside it is not any good and should not be used. The Model No. is S-300E (300cc)

The 300 cc size is for 1 gallon mylar bags.

So how do oxygen absorbers work?

It's a chemical process - they contain iron powder and salt which react with the oxygen in the air causing the iron powder to rust. Once the iron powder has oxidized, they are "loaded" and the absorption stops.

How many oxygen absorbers do you need?

The number of oxygen absorbers required varies by:

  1. the "cc" size of the Oxygen Absorber packet you are using,
  2. the volume of the container,
  3. the altitude of where you are and,
  4. the density of food item you canning.

Using the 500cc size oxygen absorber:

  • #10 can - use 1 absorber
  • 6-gallon bucket - 3-4 absorbers (at sea level); 2-3 absorbers for 4,000' - 7,000' elevations.

Remember that it depends on what you are packing, i.e. macaroni would have more air in the container than wheat. It is not harmful if you use more than what is required.

For those who like a little more technical answer:

A full 6-gallon bucket of grain or beans has about 1791cc oxygen left inside the container at sea level. If the bucket contains food such as pasta, it will have more air and need more O2 packs; a powdered food will have less air and need fewer. 

You will need 3-4 of the 500cc oxygen absorbers if you are packing your food at sea level to about 4,000' elevation, and just 2-3 for 4,000' to 7,000' elevations. 

Can hand or foot warmers be used in place of 02 absorbers?

In short, no. Hand/foot warmers won't reduce the O2 down to the levels that proper O2 absorbers will. There were tests done back in the 90s comparing their effectiveness to O2 absorbers and they came up short.

There is a threshold level where food can be safely stored and over that, oxidation can occur, bug growth can flourish, etc. Hand warmers will indeed bring down the 02 level, but short of testing the 02 level, how would we know if it lowered the level down into the safe zone? I would never trust them for food storage.

Are oxygen absorbers harmful to eat?

No. They are non-toxic but it's not a good idea to eat them and they don't taste good. (Some have mistaken them for a seasoning package - seriously!) So when you open a container of dehydrated or freeze-dried food, find the absorber inside and toss it in the garbage.

In summary, oxygen absorbers are over rated to give you a protection factor if you should leave them out in the air too long. Generally, you have about 15 to 30 minutes before they reach this advertised minimum. Using more than required is better than less and not harmful.

From a reader:

Oxygen Absorbers

I cooked the damn oxygen bag in my breakfast bag 
by: Richard 

lol I got a survival breakfast thing yesterday and I wanted to try it before I buy 50+ bags but I poured the boiling water in it and it cooked but I opened it up and I forgot to take out that oxygen bag out! Is it still good? The bag didn't open.


That is worth a big chuckle and I'm sure many have done the same thing. As long as the bag didn't open, I see no danger in eating the food.

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Test your absorbers 
Especially if you are using cheap ones. The cheap no-name ones on ebay and amazon weigh 1gram or slightly less than 1g per 100cc of rated oxygen. So …

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Hi, can you tell me what you think of this. I packaged up 10 small mylar bags with 2kg of rice in each. I used 500cc oxygen absorber in each, and squeezed …

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