10 Proven Penny-Pinching Ways
to Save for Food Storage

10 Proven Penny-Pinching Ways
to Save for Food Storage

There are some people who can just buy outright a year's worth of freeze-dried or dehydrated food and be done with it.

Probably, like you, I'm not one of those people. I can afford to buy a little here and a little there.

So how can you accumulate food storage when your budget is tight or you're just starting out?

I'll list 10 of my favorites and then I would love to hear your suggestions at the end of this article.

Invest in emergency food storage now and enjoy peace of mind for the next 25 years. Don't miss out on the savings! 

  1. Be consistent. I believe this is the most difficult but the most important to remember. If you can consistently add a can or two or an extra package of toilet paper each week, it will add up.

  2. Save your change. Most men don't like to carry loose change around in their pockets (besides, it wears out the material in the pocket). If everyone in the household just drops their change into a jar or other designated "food storage kitty" every day, there will soon be enough to purchase a can of freeze-dried food or a case of applesauce.

  3. Make a list and keep an inventory of what you already have. If you can keep an inventory list and know what you have, it will be easier to know what to buy when you have accumulated a little extra money.

  4. Watch for sales. I can't stress this enough. If you make a commitment to never buy anything that isn't on sale, you will save a lot of money over time. Of course, don't go buying items you can't afford just because they're on sale. What I've found is that everything goes on sale at some point and it won't be the last time that item is on sale. If you haven't saved enough money to buy the item yet, keep saving until the item is on sale again. Also, make note of seasonal sales. Many grocery stores have case lot sales just before the new season of canned fruits and vegetables arrive in the store.

  5. Buy in bulk. Buying grains, beans, toilet paper, Kleenex, etc. in bulk can save you money over time also. We did the math (loosely) and figured that shopping at Sam's or Costco for bulk items saves approximately $1,500 per year in food and household items. At the same time, it has helped to build up our supply of those items as I buy more before I run out, which actually means I'm accumulating a little each month.

  6. Split the cost or trade with friends or neighbors. Friends or neighbors can plan together to buy in bulk or split an order. This is very possible at any emergency preparedness store. Or join Bountiful Baskets for bulk buys of fruits and vegetables, and sometimes bread and other products.

  7. Package your own foods. Buy grains and legumes in bulk and package them yourself in buckets with Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers to save money over already-packaged products.

  8. Grow your own food. Seeds are inexpensive. Grow your own vegetables and fruits and can, freeze, or dehydrate them for huge savings. Even if you live in an apartment you can grow most veggies in containers in a sunny window or on a patio.

  9. Use coupons! Being a faithful couponer can save you money every time you go to the grocery store. It does take diligence (and remembering to take them to the store - duh! Yes, I've done it.)

  10. L.D.S. Home Storage Centers (aka Canneries). If you are L.D.S. or know someone who is, ask about buying canned food at the Home Storage Center. You will find the prices are lower than just about anywhere else, the food is excellent, and they are packaged in #10 cans. (There may be some differences in items in every Center.) For more information and how to order, check this thoroughly informative site: Prepared-housewives.com/lds-cannery-locations-questions-answers.

These are just 10 ways you can save money or acquire food storage. Can you think of others? We would all love to hear your suggestions.


Instead of toilet paper 
by: Gail 

I started stocking toilet paper but it takes up so much room. Instead I started buying packs of moistened sheets that come packaged (usually around 100 to 200 per package.) It takes up so much less room and will actually be handier in the long run since it will clean as well as, well, wipe!

(Admin - Just a note: Wipes are handy and great to have but, even though the package says they are flushable, they are not biodegradable, and are clogging our sewer systems nationwide.)

Penny Pinching 
by: Anonymous 

Don't forget to shop around. I get my rice at Sam's Club $19 for 50 lbs but my spaghetti at Walmart @ 82 cents a pound. My salt from Gordon's foods @$5.46 for 25 lbs. Once you know where the best prices are you can just make a annual or semi-annual trip for supplies so there are not a lot of wasted trips.

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Thank you for talking about "flushable" wipes 
I really appreciate that you made it clear that flushable wipes aren't! I also think it's a great idea to have them on hand, and didn't consider the fact …

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